Freedom is ephemeral, it is something like breathing

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

The Holy Bible

Sé que no suelo hacer este tipo de entrada, pero bueno. Todo sea por la innovación y porque el comentario me ha parecido realmente gracioso y bueno.

(Fuente original: The Dangerous Pages)

"Everyone should read this book.

It is graphic, violent, full of sex, incest, murder and twisted political intrigue. It contains disturbing implications for the origin and fate of mankind, occasionally depicts God as a jealous, brimstone pitching tyrant and in the middle of the story, this Jewish guy gets crucified for teaching about peace and stuff.

Oh- and everybody dies at the end (don't worry, they turn up elsewhere...I presume there is a sequel, since it does kinda leave you hanging). [...]"

1 comentario:

  1. y luego basados en este libro de los libros se hicieron todas las telenovelas... el fin es el mismo, entretener al pueblo y prevenir su educación y desarrollo de la mente jajaja
